Here's what Lea's doing for today!
Hola chicas!
This week's topic is My Favorite BeForever. My favorite BeForever is Josefina Montoya.

I like Josefina because she is caring and kind. She kept her family strong when her mom died. I also like her because she's Mexican and not only am I 1/8 Brazilian, but I'm 1/8 Mexican too! See you all next Saturday for my next video! Byebye!
AG Arabella of course!:)
I'm pretty sure she will be because I know AG told Sydney not to post leaks anymore, but if Isabelle thinks she will be GoTY then can she do a 2019 prediction?
Hi,Arabella! This week's topic is GOTY 2018 Prediction!In your post you say:Do you think Luciana will be GOTY for 2018 or do you think it will be another doll? I thought it was Luciana but know she's disappered from the Future Dolls page!
What is the topic for this weeks seven awesome ag's?
looks like no one commented on this.....exept me:(