Here it is!

Kira’s Corner

Luci’s Corner
You can make the wallpaper with Posterboard from the dollar store and paint it so it fits your dolls personality/intrest!

You can glue LED lights to the top to MAKE IT SHIIINNEEEEEE!!

After cleaning an old rug, it makes for some nice shag carpeting.

The curtains aren’t finished yet, but you can hang a beam to hold them to make sure no pesky siblings know what it is…

The Wildlife Rescue Desk fits right in the side of Kiras Room! We’ll be giving Luci her Stargazing area soon on her side.

And once again, the finished product!
Have fun!
And just so you know, we took the cubes out of the rack first.
Coming up next: How I Turned a $10 OG Bunk Bed into Two Custom Beds! (and how you can too)
Sooooo cute/awesome!!!
you have the best titles, btw!!!
cuteeeeee !
Omg this is so so so cute!
Cool! Isabella, you’re a genius
If anyone knows why the second box on the right is Caroline’s box. It’s an inch taller than the rest… my friend has the same problem with her pre beforever boxes.