So, my sister got Lea! Yay! This is what happened. So, my sister's been wanting Lea for a while (a few weeks), and so I started a little room for her (More on that later). Anyways, my neighbor (Who's in between me and my sister's ages) had told me a while ago that her AG dolls (which she had 6-8 of because someone gave her a box of used AG stuff as a gift-Including about 6 dolls! She got some, too) were waiting in the basement for her younger sister. I also remembered my neighbor mentioning that she had Lea. Anyways, this morning, my sister and I were on my bed, looking at AG (I'm now obsessed with Joss). Then, I mentioned that maybe our neighbor could sell/give her Lea doll to my sister. We met up with our neighbor (Social distancing) in between our houses, and talked a while. Then, I asked her if she'd sell her Lea doll to my sister (It took a while to come out, but I asked her! Yay!). My neighbor agreed. So, my sister got Lea 5-6 hours ago. YAY!!! Lea has joined Blaire happily in my sister's room. Here are some pictures!
First, let's talk about the awesome room I made for Lea. I cut apart an Amazon box and taped it together. Then, I covered the inside in construction paper. I did that a week ago or so. I did the rest today. I love decorating rooms (Especially doll rooms!), so I was SUPER excited to do this. Picture time!

This is the room overall.

This is the wall. The letters are cut out from index cards. I made the L, and then cut out rectangles using the L as a template. I then cut out the letters, so they're all about the same size. The pattern on the wall is fabric from Hobby Lobby cut in a strip. It's draped over the top of the wall.

This is her bed. It's made of a plastic storage container from Target. The table in the corner can be put on the end of the bed to make it long enough for her to fully lie down on. The bedding is made from a tie-your-own quilt set.

I'm SO proud of these pillows. I made them from the quilt set. They're stuffed with the scraps from when I cut them out.

The table's from who-knows-where. I found it in the basement one day! It's a storage container. I covered it with a piece of fabric. It has part of a Christmas tree decoration and a little crab eraser on top. The bag's from the AG Explore With Lea craft kit.

I haven't covered this part with construction paper yet (As you can see), but I think it's okay for now. It's a little ledge that goes outdoors. The little laptop and rainforest background is also from the Explore With Lea kit. (The rainforest background is double sided. The other side has a night sky with stars.)

This is the floor. I printed off a picture of hardwood (The printable was made for a dollhouse, but smaller than AG dolls, I think). I don't remember the website, but I searched up something about printable hardwood flooring. Then, I laminated it. I used about 6 pieces (Of my laminated flooring), but I cut some of them in half to fit the floor. I used five pieces of tape on the underside of each of them to secure them onto the floor.

Here's Lea in her new room! She's wearing an old Our Generation outfit, and the boots are from somewhere on Amazon.
Lea time! Let's look at her!!!

Here she is! She's in really good condition except for a few marks (Which will be super easy to clean up. However, they're not really noticeable, so I'll put it off for now. My sister's happy, so I'm happy) and her hair. It'll just need some water and brushing. The hair also has a little conditioner in it (Our neighbor once washed Lea's hair and didn't get it all out), but it'll be an easy fix.

Our neighbor gave my sister Lea with this dress (I don't know the brand/company). My neighbor and her mom are going to look for Lea's meet outfit soon.

Here's the backside. I don't know how to get the knot out, but I think we can still use the dress. It should still come on and off easily, I think.

I did Lea's hair (but all the other pictures in this post are from before I did it). This is how I fix messy doll hair. I use an AG hairbrush and a bowl of water (You don't need a lot of water, but you should have a good amount. However, put as much water as you want in the bowl. After all, you don't necessarily need to use all of it). First, I undo any hairstyle in the doll's hair. Then, I take a lock of the hair in my hand. I dip my fingers into the water and then rub it into the lock of hair. Then, I brush it, and apply any extra water as needed. You don't need to soak the hair, but you still need to have the water on there- the hair should feel like it has water in it. After you've brushed it, you can either clip it up or put it on the other (the front) side of their shoulder. Repeat until you've done both sides. I typically do the right side first, starting at the part closest to her face. I work backwards until I reach the middle of her hair. I then do the same on the other side. To curl her hair, you'll need the same materials as for fixing her hair- an AG hairbrush and a bowl of water. You'll brush the locks of hair and coat the lock in water. I typically dip my fingers in the bowl, apply it, dip again, apply it, and then curl it. To make the curls, I start at the bottom and roll the handle of the brush up the lock. It will give waves and a curl at the end (At least for me). If you want tighter curls, you could use a pencil or something else. Those are my doll hair tricks.

Here are Blaire and Lea together. They're now best friends!
Thank you for reading! Have a great day! :)
Who's your favorite girl of the year? Have you found any awesome AG finds (either for dolls, clothes, or anything else)?
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I love Blair's braids!
My favorite is probally Joss and Chrisssa