I went on the Create Your Own doll generator while working on a post about updated Girl of the Year 2023 Kavi theories, but then, I was greeted by a sign that said that Create Your Own clothes aren't available to make as of now.
There is no information about when they will return, but concerned customers are encouraged to call American Girl's phone number.
Online clothing shopping is often a time and money saver. Nonetheless, it's crucial to be diligent and make sure you're obtaining the proper size and style. Here are some pointers to assist with your online clothing purchase: 1) To get a sense of the fit and durability of the clothing, read inlower . 2) To make sure you are ordering the correct size, carefully review the sizing chart and take your own measurements. 3) To save money, look for offers and discounts. 4) Don't be reluctant to exchange or return clothing if it doesn't fit or live up to your expectations.
Update: Under the Create Your Own section on the AG website, it no longer says "clothing design coming soon." It now says "Doll Design" and "Personalized Video Messages." I'm getting the feeling that the clothing design is NOT coming back.
After that revamp, everything went away. We can't save creations anymore. I used to design a few, save them and then scroll through each of them and compare in order to decide which one I wanted. I asked customer service about it and got some lame excuse that it isn't available at this time, but they'll take my feedback into consideration.
I also noticed the last CYO I ordered didn't have the coupon to design your own doll tshirt. Makes me think they aren't planning on bringing it back. But the store display that shows examples of CYO dolls has a doll in a custom tshirt still.
The design your own clothes have been gone since the CYO doll generator revamp. It's said "clothing design coming soon" for ages now on the website. Not sure what their idea of "soon" is.