American Girl's Create Your Own dolls are now $210, and they no longer come with codes for free shirts. In addition, creations can no longer be saved for future purchases.

Well, this is annoying. It's a good thing I ordered Olivia (my prototype Evette custom doll) back in December because, with this price increase, I probably won't want to get another Create Your Own until I have a successful film career.
I'm so glad I got my doll a year before because they changed the entire layout and removed a bunch of features :(
This is very disappointing, American Girl is starting to go way to far with money! There's lots of girls in this world who would love to have an AG doll but can't afford it. It gets kinda annoying when people say it's because there good quality, because a best friend is a best friend not a stack of money. Money isn't a form of love in any way shape or form, but you can love your dolls! I know it's mostly because the economy, but I feel it's partly AG too. - Gianna, *PS I still love you AG!!!
That's sad. I've never purchased one, in part because they don't offer a lot of the customizations I've wanted--rarer face molds, bangs (can't believe they got rid of this one; wigs with bangs are hard to find, and I totally would've purchased a Nanami Chiaki doll), less common eye and hair combinations, etc. I also can't believe they're upping the price when I feel like these dolls haven't been purchased that much compared to their other lines. They pitch it as a way to make all of these cool customs, but they basically just let you make your own generic Truly Me, with some exceptions.
1. BUMMER (there's an alternate word that came to mind first, but it's ableist and I'm eliminating it from my vocabulary) 2. So does that mean all my creations are gone? 😭 3. I didn't really want another CYO anyway since they took away the darker blue eye color option. That was gonna be my next choice if I did get a third. Now I'm really regretting my choices for my second doll.
It's not quite the same, but if you access the generator through the Play section, you can get a URL to share your doll. I don't know if they expire but it could be possible to keep those.