With only one day left to go until Girl of the Year 2024 Lila Monetti's release, many collection rumors are coming about for the new Girl of the Year and her stuff! Here's the new rumors:
Lila will potentially have a corgi as another pet.
Lila will potentially have a gymnastics uneven bar and beam set.
Lila's meet outfit is rumored to be a pink cropped turtleneck, pink leggings, and sandals.
Who's excited for tomorrow?
I love it.
The Corgi almost makes it up for the travesty that is the horse by like 80% lol :') I love the breed so I'm very excited to get them!
aww a corgi!!! :D
I have seen her pink meet outfit and I love it ❤️ I love how pink it is and I also think her hairstyle is amazing.