We're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! American Girl stores are starting to reopen after the coronavirus.
Yesterday was Phase 2 of reopening Texas, which meant that the American Girl store in Dallas is NOW BACK OPEN! Nashville is also OPEN! Houston is still closed, so it looks like the phase 2 isn't a total go-ahead for AG stores to reopen, but events start on May 22, so it should be back open by then.
Before I go over the projected dates for all the AG stores to get back open, here's all the social distancing measures AG has in place to keep their stores safe:
-If local guidelines require face masks, AG employees will be wearing them too, and customers are encouraged to wear them.
-Employees are following strict hand-washing, sanitizing and social distancing protocols.
-Stores will have limited entrances and limited capacity.
-6-feet-apart floor markers have been added to the floors.
-All high-touch areas are being frequently disinfected, and housekeeping services and staff are being expanded.
-Hand-sanitizing stations are near entrances, check-out lines, and throughout the store.
-All fitting rooms are closed until further notice.
-Employees and guests are encouraged to stay home if they feel sick or show symptoms of the coronavirus.
-Dining availability will depend on the store. There will be altered hours, limited table sizes, a switch to disposable menus, and loaner dolls have been removed temporarily.
-Doll hair salon availability will also depend on the store. In New York and Chicago, which have girl hair salons, up to four family members can join the girl hair salon experience. Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City and New York, which have girl ear piercing, will also have the up to four family members in a room rule.
Now that we know how AG will COVID-proof their stores, here's the projected reopening dates for AG stores based on event dates, dining reservations and state reopening plans:
Atlanta: Projected to be July 1
Charlotte: Now Open!
Chicago: Now Open!
Columbus: Now Open!
Dallas: Now Open!
Denver: Projected to be July 1
Hershey: TBD
Houston: Now Open!
Kansas City: Projected to be July 1
Los Angeles: Now Open!
Miami: Projected to be July 1
Nashville: Now Open!
New York: Now Offering Curbside Pickup!
Orlando: Now Open!
San Francisco Bay Area: Now Open!
Scottsdale: Projected to be July 1
Seattle: Now Open!
Washington D.C: Now Open!
These are all projections based on AG's website and state reopening procedures. If they aren't accurate, I'll update this post.
I will update this post and put up new posts as more stores open and official reopening dates are announced, so keep checking AGDN to find out when your local store opens again! I'm so excited to go to the Charlotte store again- it's been the longest I've gone without going since it opened back in 2014, and I've missed it so much!