Nellie O'Malley won the poll for the Doll of the Month for April 2023!
(Edit made by AGDN reader Raine)
In 1904, Nellie lives in Mount Bedford, New York, with her sisters Jenny and Bridget.
Nellie is a servant girl, and she and her sisters work serving rich families like Samantha's neighbor Eddie Ryland just to get by. However, her life changes when she meets Samantha Parkington, who shows her kindness, becomes her first friend and teaches her how to read and write. Nellie grows a strong bond with Samantha, which only intensifies when Nellie and her sisters are sent to a cruel orphanage and Samantha must set off a daring plan to rescue her.
Nellie was released in September 2004 as a tie-in to the Samantha movie that was released that December. She was retired in December 2008 when she sold out as Samantha's collection retired for the first time.
I hope that Samantha will be un-cubed like Kit! (Her collections is by far one of my favorite.) This will probably not happen, ever, but... if only Nellie came back as well! The only hope we have for that is Isabel and Nicki being a success. If they're a success, then maybe AG will think, Okay, maybe we should bring back the "friend" dolls (Ivy, Ruthie, Cecile, Marie-Grace, Emily, Elizabeth and Nellie).
Nellie is the best! One of my dream dolls...
My favorite! I was finally able to get my Nellie two years ago when I found one for sale with a payment plan on etsy, and I EVEN managed to get her wearing her Christmas dress, which was my grail outfit. She's definitely my favorite doll that I own. "We" even made sodabread on Saint Patrick's Day.
Thanks for choosing Nellie for Doll of the Month. She is a wonderful reminder of why we need all the friends to come back!
I love Nellie!!! I would get her if she didn’t cost as much as she does.