American Girl has confirmed that the Jess mold Truly Me doll that I posted earlier this week will be eventually releasing! There is also another Classic mold doll with decal brown eyes that hasn't been released yet that will release:

These girlies are so cute! I'm naming the first one Erin and the second one Shiyeon.
Hey, AGOSF made a video showing another doll truly me 85 and the new accessories!
WOW the second one is so PRETTY
I wonder what Erin's hair looks like down? I love the decal brown eyes with the blond hair.
I think they're both beautiful, & I can't wait to get at least one of them in a new meet outfit. :) I don't know how you girls pick out names so easily. I always stress over naming my dolls way more than is necessary. lol Also, I am quite sure AG confirmed that they will not be putting out a doll with a prosthetic limb. Someone asked on Facebook recently & they were directed to another company.
I love the one with the Jess face mold! she’s so pretty! I’m not a fan of the other one because she looks too much like a mix of Isabelle and Tenney.