Here's a comparison photo between Truly Me 82 and 108:

I thought 108 was going to be a 82 with added face paint but this is actually not the case! 108 has a slightly different wig- a bit shorter, and with a side part instead of a medium part.
This discovery intrigues me a lot! As I add the new Truly Me dolls to my collection, I am very curious as to see if there are any more subtle differences between the dolls.
Oh- and let me know what to name my 108!
108 also has thicker eyebrows.
I looove my 82, she wears the Diwali outfit & it looks so gorgeous on her 💕 She has the most high-maintenance wig of all my dolls, though 😬 Her name is Tanvii 🥰
her eyes look a bit wonky to me... but that's just how Ag manufactured her. she still is pretty though. I want her, but at the same time i want 82. which one do u prefer?
P.s I think Mariana is a good name for her
Like I said before, Jodie would be a nice name.
@Admin What face mold does 108 have,? Thanks.