am I like 2 weeks late on this? yes, yes I am. this year was my first benefit sale! yaaay
I originally wanted a doll mystery bag, tons of books mini dolls and the clothes for girls.
but it all sold out in my cart :)...... so I ended up getting: 1 truly me 13, 1 grace book, 1 Luciana mini doll,
1 mini special edition Josefina doll. here are the pictures

yes I know its a weird picture but I was just too excited I had to get it open!!! also bc I forgot to take pics of the other stuff
so my tm 13 ended up being from the yr 2017! which I'm pretty sure was the year with the bad eyes, but luckily she didn't have them! but she did come with perma panties... oh well :) I don't mind them I actually think they're kinda cute lol (since I always lose doll panties)

Also here's her in her fictional bedroom I photoshopped
her in :D
I thought that was her actual room LOL
Nice! I pick up my stuff this weekend
Cool! That picture of her in the bedroom is so cool!
cuute!! what did you name her??