Ok so recently my family and I went to my local flea market and I had the intentions of finding anything Ag since this is the same flea market my mom bought Cherry tm 25! But I found nothing 😩 so we walked down the last isle and I spotted this adorable bitty twin!! Sitting in a little booth Then I found an Ag bed! Whaaat I was shOCKED! Then MY MOM FOUND MIA aaaaaa! !Mia! The Goty!! Then I turn and there’s a GIANT BOX FULL OF AG DOLLS! so we pull them out one by one here’s what I found!!

4 ag dolls and another bitty baby!! Aaaa I was FLABBERGASTED!?!
So There’s a Truly me 26 wearing Kit’s coat, nicki in her ranch outfit, kit in Elizabeth’s holiday dress, Mia in Ag tennis outfit, and another Kit IN MOLLYS ROUTE 66 DRESS AAAAAAA I GASPED, audibly I might add. The kit wearing Molly’s dress was in really bad shape tho so I chose the other kit BUT the lady running the booth was so kind as to let me swap the dresses!! Bc Molly’s Route 66 dress is valueable and hard to find!! I needed it! The lady probably didn’t know it was worth more. Anyway here’s what I got!

They were $35 each! I spent my hard earned money and bought them both!
(There goes all my money lol) I’m going to clean them up and post more about them!! I just wanted to share my lovely experience!!
also on the way home i spilt sprite all over kits leg oh nooo!!
Ok bye
GAH THAT'S SO AMAZING!! I NEED to find a good deal like this!!
OH MY GOSH!!! That's is so amazing! And The Route 66 Dress is $150 by itself!!!!!!!! That's so great!
I wish I could find stuff like this!!! Thats so cool!