Dear American Girl, you are a great company but it is clear that if you want to be a successful company you need to change a few things. Here they are:
1. Well-made dolls. I would rather buy a $200 doll that's well-made than a $20 doll that's not made very well. (That's you, MLA dolls) In order to do this, you would have to raise prices but the quality is worth much more than the price.
2. More DOC! Luciana, a DOC, was very successful. Make more! Do not make one or two DOC and think "hey, we got the AG fandom what they want. Now, its time for more white dolls." Make as many DOC as possible. And don't just restrict yourself to the GOTY line! I would love to see more diversity in the TM line and the Beforever/Historical Character line!
3. Stop destroying leak accounts on AGIG. Part of the fun of the AG fandom is leaking. It's fun to find out who the next GOTY is months before she is released. Besides, anytime you get Instagram to kick out that account, they will just start a new account. I mean, I understand why you want to block eBay sales of the GOTY before she is released and pics of the GOTY's entire collection, but a little picture of the GOTY's shoes isn't going to hurt anyone!
4. Don't make such a big deal over customizations. They are fun, plus they are a hobby of many members of the AG fandom. I mean, I understand why the doll hospital can't fix customized dolls but don't get mad at every AGIGer who posts a pic of their latest custom.
5. Support all AGTubers. Everyone knows you like channels that feature ONLY AG stuff. You especially like channels that don't say bad things about your quality issues. The thing is, there are tons of AGTubers who would love your support, like American Girl Ideas and MixiePixie7. Don't stick to channels who think AG is an angel with nothing wrong. (I'm looking at you, agoverseasfan and Chloe's American Girl Doll Channel)
Thank you.
@AG4EsmeandEver alot of people agree on the second one!
@AG4EsmeandEver can I post this on insta I cantag Ag and see if they would repsponse and say that it came from a freind from AGDN?
me too @Sydney But I agree with you @AG4EsmeandEver .
You should email AG if you want them to read this... I doubt any workers go on AGDN.