ok so as y’all may know today is Valentine’s Day but it’s bad news for Cherry (truly me 25) because she’s broken up 😞……..
…..the bones in her right leg that is (and sprained her wrist). She was very upset because now her whole day was ruined!!When Josefina and Frances (truly me 85) heard the news they wanted to do something to help her feel better, so they decided to whip up a quick batch of Cherry’s favorite, cinnamon rolls!
Here they are in Josefina’s make-shift kitchen! (Which consist of a lovely our generation microwave/cooking set provided by my very lovely parents this morning!)
(Pretend the wooden boxes are counters and an oven) lol
When Anne (truly me 13) heard the news she wanted to help Cherry out and keep her in good spirits! Even tho Cherry really only needs crutches she thought it’d be best for her to use a wheelchair, she’s simply too exhausted to walk around with crutches! (The wheelchair and crutches set was also very graciously provided by my very lovely parents to me)
So here Anne is wheeling her into their room to read to Cherry her favorite books! Even tho Anne doesn’t really enjoy reading she’ll do anything to cheer Cherry up!
The cinnamon rolls are done!
the end
I’ll maybe post a part 2 if anyone wants to see that just tell me in the comments
ok so you’re probably wondering who in the world Frances truly me 85 is
Well she’s obviously the truly me doll I found at tjmaxx for 39 dollars!?!?!!!
i just forgot to post about it 😭 anyway I named her Frances Ida and I forgot her last name. And I bought her with my own hard earned money yay!!
ok bye
What great friends. Would like to know how she is doing after a few days of recovery.
cool, make a part 2
If you are talking about the bones in her leg it. then it would be her ankle not her wrist...