So yesterday I posted my dolls bios and photos, and so today I thought I’d do my dream dolls bios and some pictures using ag’s create your own thing if they aren’t already dolls! P.S. they are in order of how much I want them, top one is the one I want the most, etc. ;)
Name: Evette Wren Peeters
Nicknames: Evie
Age: 16
Pronouns: she/they
Doll: WBU Evette Peeters
Likes: thrifting, fashion, vintage stuff, upcycling clothes, nature, crafts, and plays
Pet: a bernadoodle!! (dog)
Personality: Evette is all about recycling and upcycling things to help our planet. She is an activist but also an actress!
Extra fact: she’s a really great actress and her dream is to be on broadway!

Name: Kaya Himeen
Nicknames: Kay ( pronounced kye, like sky)
Age: 17
Pronouns: she/her
Doll: historical character Kaya
Likes: animals, singing, learning about her culture
Pet: her dog Tatlo
Personality: Kaya is very brave and daring, which usually means she leaps now, looks later. She loves animals and is a great singer.
Extra fact: she works with Evette to spread the word about her Nez Perce culture

Name: Brooklynn Skye Hart
Nicknames: Lynn
Age: 15
Pronouns: they/them
Doll: create your own
Likes: video games, sports, reading, anything they can win ;)
Pet: a bunny named rose
Personality: Brooklynn is a very competitive person. They love playing any sport, especially basketball. they also are REAL good at video games.
Extra fact: they were very annoyed they had to get glasses at first, but then realized they made it so much easier to read, so now they don’t mind them.

Ok, last one!
Name: Arshia Divya Varma
Nicknames: Div, ia
Age: 13
Pronouns: she/her
Doll: create your own
Likes: Dancing! Ballet, tap, hip hop, contemporary, you name it. She’s definitely a dancer. she also likes traveling!
Pet: fish. She doesn’t want to forget to do something for a pet that needs more attention
Personality: she is a dancer. She will do anything to get better. It‘s basically her fav thing! In her spare time, she likes to relax and do yoga.
Extra fact: she is one of the only dolls who is religious, she is a Hindu. Another fact is that she is deaf and wears hearing aids in both ears. One more fact is that she has complete heterochromia, which means that her eyes are different colors

ok, that’s it! For now anyway ;) I want more dolls, especially a Muslim doll. AG needs to ad hijabs to create your own!
also, I am hoping to post more often, since only a few people post regularly.
oki, bye for real now! 😁
YES WE NEED HIJABS! I also love Evette! but apparently her hair is really hard to take care off!