I was bored... But yea, nothing wrong with Kira, just wanted to see how she looked with brown hair. Also, this is one of my dream cyo's. The other one is black hair, blue eyes (haven't really decided yet if Josephina or Classic face mold and the hair type) And her name would be Erica Daisy Hale (or Trixie, her sister), cuz you know who I'm talking about if you read Spy School. Go read it, it's literally the best series I've ever read.

That Is the best, legit, best makeover doll I’ve ever seen. LOVE IT! I read the first spy school I liked it read the penderwicks its super good
I LOVE it!!!
Bri does not like it. Bri LOVES it.
cuteeeee !
YES someone who has read the spy school series! i love it
I thought it was Lea at first
That. Is the best makeover I have ever seen.