Hi guys! So as we know, there will be a collection coming up in the fall of 5 contemporary characters! I made some predictions, aka 2 of them, here:

This is Aracely, supposedly one of the hispanics.

And this is Makena, who will probably be the “Lead Black character” Ag described.
Stay tuned for part two either tonight or tomorrow! What do you think? -Bri-
Oh I really hope you're right Bri, these were so cute! Really I'm just glad AG is making more ethnic dolls, so many of the character dolls are just boring white girls
I have ONEEE thing: its very uncommon for a latina to have green eyes.
I want a Ukrainian AG Doll.
I’m dyyying for a Pourtugeese doll. I saw no Pourtugeese names and they’ve never made one. *sigh* Ciao, menina...... Não posso de Americano Menina.......
Im desperate. AGH.
Love it! I hope we get an albino doll and a muslim in the collection