Hello! Today I was just curious if anyone knows how to properly pronounce Luciana's name. I've heard both Lu-SI-ana and Lu-CHI-ana, and it's driving me crazy that I don't know how to properly say it! Before I started watching AGTube I always thought it was Lu-CHI-ana, because her parents originated from Chile, and that's how you pronounce it in Spanish. But now that I've started watching AGTube I've seen it pronounced both ways, so please just leave a comment!
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I just assumed it was LU-SEE-AH-NAH. Eek (sorry if im wrong)
I heard Lucy-ana, but I also heard Lucia-na (say lucia and then na) but I think it's Loo-see-ana
I speak Spanish, and I'm pretty sure Lu-SI-ana is right.
lu-si-ana would be her name if she's Spanish. lu-chi-ana would be the Italian pronunciation
AG said in videos Lu-Si-Ana. Thats the correct pronunciation.
I’ve always said Lu-SI-ana, too because her nickname is Luci and I’ve always heard that prounounce Lu-si
Yeah I like Lu-SI-ana more, and what @CapeCardamDolls said is probably true about how she comes from the US and all
Do they have an accent? Thats common when it comes to mispronounciation
I always thought it was loo-see-on-a
well anyways, I looked it up on name berry and it says that in Italian and Spanish cultures it's pronounced loo-chee-anna
BUT, since Luciana was raised in the U.S., there's a good chance she pronounced it loo-see-on-a
(which I like more)
I'm 99.9% sure its Lu-SI-ana :)
Well, I've never heard anyone pronounce Lu-CHI-ana actually. And I always pronounce Lu-SI-ana