Hello! I was supposed to post this two days ago, but my grandpa wanted us to go down to my great grandma's, which has no internet. Once again, Luciana's stuff in in italics and I am not a summer camp. 😛
Monday, June 11th:
Today we got to do a scavenger hunt activity for mission control! After we successfully finished it, the counselors surprised us with a camping party! We each even got our own light up sparkler to party with!
Tuesday, June 12th:
Today we set off for the local science museum! There were so many cool things, like a light up periodic table, and a really large model of the solar system!
Wednesday, June 13th:
Today, we went out in the new workshop and got to make something of our choice. They let us pick a blueprint and we get to take home what we made!
Here’s me with the finished product, a trundle bed for the girls back home. We always seem to need more room for the D.O.L.L.S. that come to stay with us!
While we worked on our projects, the councilors made a new sign featuring the workshop, garden, garage, and mail center.
Thursday, June 14th:
Right now we are getting ready to go back to the lake. We are going to collect samples of rocks and just play around for a bit.
Wow! Coming back from the lake, I am hot, sweaty, and very wet!
I hope you enjoyed this post! In reality I have been painting, gardening, and driving lawnmowers and golf carts! Have a great day!
heyyy! I'm a huge fan of Clarkie Siwa(everygirlsasupergirl) wanna be friends?
It takes me quite a few tries to get it right!
Luci is adorableeeee! Her hair looks way better than my Luci!
Luci says "thank you so much" Rosabelle!
I had some fun, but there were a ton of bugs. •__•
Loved it! Luciana was GORGEOUS in the second picture! That red looks great on her.