P.S (for Pre-Script, the P.S your used to is Post-Script)- I'm home!
I heard from a Instagram friend that the Wellie Wishers are sold out (AKA- out of stock) at her store. So, now that I'm home, I thought that I could use American Girl's store stock checker to figure out what dolls are sold out where! I did so, and guess what I found out?
Willa is sold out in New York!
Don't freak out, it's only until the AG headquarters in Middleton (Wisconsin) send more Willa dolls to the NYC store. I think this is because Willa's everyone's favorite Wellie Wisher- mine too! I have proof of this. When I asked the comment discussion question, "Who's your favorite Wellie Wisher?", the majority of you guys said that Willa was your favorite. Here's a chart:

See how many people are on the Willa train? Toot-toot!
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: Should I reveal all of the Sydney's Special Dolls soon?
MY ANSWER: I'm about to draw their pictures. Bye!