There are some exciting book leaks today, including the Girl of the Year 2017 books and the new American Girl contemporary books! Come on and hit that "Read More button!" You'll want to!
The new American Girl contemporary middle grade books are listed for a January 31, 2017 release date! WAHOO! Two of them are by Kellen Hertz, who co-wrote Lea And Camila with Lisa Yee. I'm happy for her, because Lea And Camila is my favorite Lea book! There are no covers yet, and the only description is "A new middle grade series featuring contemporary characters!"
And, finally, let's get to the reason I made this post- THE GIRL OF THE YEAR 2017 BOOKS ARE UP! Let's do the WAVE! WAVE! WAVE! I cheered and screamed when I found out at 5 in the morning. It woke up my sister. Sorry, Sierra! It also woke up my puppy, too. Sorry, Snick! They are by Teresa E. Harris, who has never written a AG book before. Let's hope she does GOOD! The first one has the release date of December 27, 2016. OK, let's start the petition, MOM: GET MY BUTT OVER TO BARNES AND NOBLE ON DECEMBER 27! The description says this:
"Introducing American Girl's 2017 Girl of the Year! Find out how the girl's story began in this first of four novels."
The second one is going to come out on March 28, 2017. I'll be dead waiting, but at least I have the new contemporary books to keep me going! This is also a possible spring release date for next year.
The third and the fourth one aren't up yet, but I am speculating the third one would be released during the summer release and the fourth one around the holidays. At least we get a conformation that there will be a Girl of the Year this year! Making it through June without a movie worried me a bit. I guess I'm accustomed to patterns. Now watch as Super Sydney (I know, what a cheesy superhero name, but I made that up when I was 3 and beating my whole preschool into knowing how to read while watching Super Why) leaks the descriptions to the Girl of the Year 2017 books and everyone knows her story, and boom! I leak the doll! Cue the fireworks!
OK, maybe not fireworks. They are a bit too loud for my autistic ears. Maybe confetti will do.
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: The first Girl of the Year was Lindsey, but Nicki was the first doll to come out on January 1st.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: What was the most embarrassing thing you did when you were little?
MY ANSWER: I watched a lot of preschool TV. Probably at least 2 hours a day. I cut down on it a little when I went to kindergarten, and then I didn't stop until third grade. Hey, third grade is the same year I got interest in American Girl dolls!