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New Bathing Suit For American Girl Dolls!

I woke up early in the morning (soon Melody's release will be "this month" and not "next month"! Yay!) and guess what I found? The last leak of July! It's a bathing suit for the spring release next year!

If you zoom in to the sandals, you see that the right one has a tag of "2017". My first sighting of a 2017 AG tag. Cool!

This is the bathing suit. I noticed that the top has a zipper on it. Hooray for zippers!

Another closeup of the sandals (but in better quality)

Overall, I think the pink polka-dot print and the zebra print clash a lot. The star on the bottoms makes it look like a store exclusive, but I'm crossing my fingers that it's a Bitty Baby outfit and not a Truly Me, GOTY '17 or Wellie Wishers outfit. Even though I don't have a Wellie Wisher, I'd cry seeing Willa in this outfit!

AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: American Girl's sales have been plunging.

COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: If American Girl let you design an item, what would it be?

MY ANSWER: If you know me, than you know the answer. A doll with a disablility!

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