You might be thinking, "What are Pleasantry Dolls?" Well, Pleasantry dolls are the same exact thing as our beloved American Girl dolls! I got the American Girl Ultimate Visual Guide today and I found two unreleased Truly Me pets! I can't show you the pictures yet because I'm at a sleepover, but here are some facts about American Girl I learned today!
-Pleasant Rowland considered naming American Girl, "Pleasantries", hence the title of this post. She decided to name it Pleasant Company.
-Kirsten's name was supposed to be Rebecca. That's so funny because now American Girl has a doll named Rebecca!
-Molly has glasses because Valerie Tripp wanted one of the original 3 to wear glasses. She chose Molly because she liked how her glasses went with her braids from her meet hairdo.
-The millionth American Girl doll was sold in 1993.
-American Girl's website launched on May 1, 1996.
This whole post is American Girl trivia!
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: Who is your favorite doll out of the Original 3?
MY ANSWER: I like Molly the best because she's like a real girl and makes mistakes.