Sorry, American Girl. We already know who's hiding behind that silhouette.
Gifts have been opened. The family has left. Christmas is over, and that means it's time for my favorite time of year- the GOTY countdown! American Girl has set up a Play page for Gabriela containing the silhouette of Gabriela, a countdown to 2017 in your time zone (the GOTY countdown here has the correct time- keep this in mind as you count down to Gabriela) and several clue-a-day videos for Gabriela made by popular AGTubers.
The first clue video is made by Grace's World. Even though she usually does Barbie videos (which, even though I dislike Barbie, I enjoy her videos because they are so COOL!), she occasionally does a American Girl video. The clue videos will be on all my blog posts in between the ad and the comment section between now and December 31.
Today's clue was.... Gabriela's from Philadelphia! Big surprise there! Don't worry, I was being sarcastic. I knew that three days ago. The only thing new was that Gabriela had a sandwich shop. Maybe that would occur in Book 2, 3 or 4.... I read nothing about sandwich shops! But I did read about Empanada Pal.
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Lea's clue videos last year was the first time American Girl involved AGTubers in the clues.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: What do you think will be "revealed" tomorrow?
MY ANSWER: I think maybe her interests!