These are just **RUMORS**. I doubt these will be real, but it's good to post them just in case they are real.
Eameanes on American Girl Playthings learned about three rumors from a AG employee.
-Z will be an Amazon-only exclusive.
-Tenney and Logan will be available for "a few months" more.
-Lots of other limited-time-only dolls will be popping up here and there, often as exclusives on different sales platforms.
I think all three of them are lies just to keep the AG world running and so AG has the stats to show: "Ok. Our blond Taylor Swift country queen and her boy accessory sold more than a doll of color who has a disability! We should make more blond Taylor Swift country queens!" And I hope Z isn't a Amazon exclusive, because my dad already promised to pick up Z the day of release as a late Easter gift for me! Besides, I remember ages ago someone at the AGP told me Molly was coming back. Now, we have another character from the 1940's debuting soon- so there's no chance of the return of Molly!
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Grace was actually the last GOTY to be available for a year- Lea was available for 366 days and the Leas were still available at Kohl's stores until stock ran out!
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: What eye color do the majority of your dolls have?