AG 12 Days Of Deals starts tomorrow: wahoo! AG revealed the entire list of deals on their Instagram story, so I’m posting them here!
Day 1- Buy a BeForever doll (excluding Nanea), get her accessories 50% off
Day 2- 25% select favorites for AG Rewards members
Day 3- 25% off beds and bedtime accessories
Day 4- 50% off Truly Me Scooter Set and Canopy Bed
Day 5- 40% off select girl outfits
Day 6- 50% select books
Day 7- 25% WellieWishers Winter Favorites
Day 8- 20% Select Furniture
Day 9- Up To 50% Stocking Stuffers (pets, hats, purses, Mega Construx, movies, etc.)
Day 10- 30% AG Logo Apparel
Day 11- Additional 20% Clearance
Day 12- Buy 2, Get 1 Free: Select Doll Outfits
I'm personally mostly excited for days 2, 8, 9 and 11 because 2- black dress 8- a rare sale on expensive furniture 9- MEGA CONSTRUXXXX 11- CLEARANCE AG IS MY LIFE. How about you?