Here's Grace's bio, since she is the Doll of the Month for August 2024!
Where she lives: Bentwick, Massachusetts Her hobbies: Baking
Pet: Dog named Bonbon What changes her life: A unexpected trip to Paris What she discovers: Working together is the best way to succeed
Look what's new at dolls kill!
Samantha and Molly coustumes!
But they're marketed as Sexy? (I literally had to get out it of my search history😣) That's weird because aren't Samantha and Molly ten?
Molly's is marketed as sexy too :(. I can tell this will be a controversey for the dolls kill brand. I can't understand why they had to do this. This is not what the American girl brand stands for. Before AG was made, all the toys for girls (except baby dolls) were sexuliazed. American girl/Pleasant Company wasn't, not ever.
Grace also had two MegaBloks sets. One was a Two-in-One Buildable Home which also featured Ella and Maddy figurines. The other was a Paris set which showed a Sylvie figurine.
It would have been nice if they had made a Sylvie doll. Sylvie also got to be the narrator in the short story. If Sylvie had been made a doll, I would love to have seen it with the Classic mold. We could also include French pastries and flower pictures (since Sylvie loves to draw pictures of flowers) in her collection.
It would also be nice if Summer McKinny's best friend Daisy gets made into a companion doll for Summer. If that can happen, it can include some cat treats…
Grace is the first Girl of the Year whose books do not have illustrations. She is the second Girl of the Year to travel to a foreign country after Jess and before Lea and Kira. She also had a short story called Grace and Sylvie: A Recipe for Family. It is a retelling of Grace's first book, except told from Sylvie's perspective. It is similar to the Best Friend books. You can read the entire story on
I think Grace's meet outfit is a little stereotypical.
I love Grace!! I'm still so excited to see if she'll return in Summer's stories!