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American Girl: Corinne Tan Cast At American Girl LA on Friday

The American Girl: Corinne Tan movie will be on Netflix tomorrow, and to celebrate, the cast is going to be visiting the American Girl store in Los Angeles, California at Century City Mall!

Miya Cech - Corinne herself - told me that she and her sister Kai will be at the American Girl store in Century City from 1:30 pm to 3 pm on Friday, January 26, doing interviews with press outlets, then after, they will be having a private birthday party for Kai from 3 pm to 4:30 pm, and will probably stick around after that. There probably won't be a formal meet-and-greet, but Michelle Krusiec and Jason W. Wong, who were in the movie playing Corinne and Gwynn's parents, will also be at the store for photos, and Miya and Kai have a limited number of autographed pictures they will personalize for fans and sister brain bracelets to give out!

Miya reached out because she'd love for American Girl fans to be there if they could, so if you're in the LA area and free that day, make sure to come!

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