Did you not get the chance to purchase an American Girl Truly Me Sparkling Ballerina from Costco last holiday season? My Costco didn't have them in stock, so I lost all hope of getting one at a price that wasn't a crazy eBay price. But American Girl just put all 4 types of Sparkling Ballerina dolls, including the unique blonde doll, on their site for $150 each! (With AG's current $20 off $100 discount, this would be $130!) They also put the Smores Camping Set online for $80.

These dolls aren't available in stores, so you'll have to order them online. I checked store availability to see if I could pick the blonde doll up when I go on my weekly AGP trip tomorrow morning, but she's not there. But I'm ordering her once I'm home from school today! I'm so excited, but I have no clue what to name her! Does anyone have any ideas?
P.S: The new Smart Girl's Guides are now on the site, so we didn't get anything new for the 18 inch dolls. This is sad. Alexa, play Heartbreak Station.
P.P.S: Sorry I didn't get to this earlier. I didn't think to check AG's site today because of my excitement over the investor meeting! I have my AirPods connected to my school computer, a page sacrificed from my English binder and the meeting on another tab. All set to blog about any AG-related announcements Mattel might make!
Genima suits her. So cool! The camping set would be cute for like twenty dollars less
Maybe name her Anastasia?
I ordered her! Considering Gemma and Clara, but I'm going to make my final decision once I see her in person. She's supposed to come on March 3rd, which would be perfect considering my school is making all juniors take the ACT on March 1st and I would love a pick-me-up after that torture. (Also, Monday is the third anniversary of the day I came up with Rebelle, so she'll also serve as my present for working so hard on my dream movie for 3 years!)
Hey! I wasn't sure if you knew this or not, but there's also a new ag camping set on the website! I found it under the "new" category.
Do you have a doll named Clara? If not, then name her Clara after the protagonist of the Nutcracker.