The bidding on American Girl’s Couture for a Cause dolls are starting! You can pick between the Boho Chic, Fuschia Feathers or Sweet as a Rose collectors dolls and start bidding (if you have $5400+ to spare):
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JEEZ! Why the heck does a $110 doll cost more than a house? Is it because of the FaNcY and ElEgAnT outfits?
@CapeCardamDolls No worries, I'm sure your intentions weren't bad in any way. They definitely can pass as similar, it's just the notion that this is one of the first doll's that can ultimately pass as Asian-Caucasion biracial :)
I'm sorry, rereading my comment now it does come off as rude, I love the Jess mold and Jess in general and it was not my intention to offend anyone who has a doll with her mold.
Ok, so I can confirm that the Sweet as a Rose doll's hair is brunette, as stated in AG's description. People are complaining about how she's not unique though, just because of the difference between her and #84's hair color. We need to acknowledge though that this is the first time American Girl has ever produced a Jess mold doll with brunette hair, so yes, she is unique compared to what AG currently has for sale. Please don't call her almost #84 though since that's like saying #73 is almost #83 and is offensive to anyone who, in real life, looks like the Jess mold.
So the doll is millions of dollars because its outfit? So truly me # + fancy outfit = 1000+