Reddit user Moshgrrl spotted the older Truly Me dolls being sold at a HomeGoods in New Jersey for $80.

If you can, go to your local HomeGoods and check if they have any AG dolls! My area is being swarmed with rain right now (thanks a lot Nicole...), but I'll see if I can go on Sunday morning after I see the new Black Panther movie!
I went to HomeGoods, Marshalls and TJ Maxx this morning. No luck. I did discover these 18 inch dolls I've never heard of before called Kaisley and Friends (Marshalls) and then oddly, I found the same dolls at TJ Maxx with the brand name Jillian's Closet. They are kind of on par with Our Generation. They have pretty face sculpts, kind of thin wigs but soft hair, better quality clothes than OG, squishy cloth bodies and hard limbs. They were $19.99.
Aww... I wish there was HomeGoods in my state. Maybe TJ Maxx or Marshalls will get them!
Wish I knew if there was a home goods near me! I would love to get AG stuff for cheaper prices. What is it with the high prices.🤔
That’s amazing! I actually found a truly me 66 at a Marshals for $75!! I know marshals tjmax and home goods are all owned by the same company or whatever so they’ll all probably have Ag stuff!
I am definitely going to check HomeGoods!