There was some confusion about what year Summer McKinny was born, but I just read her journal, and it confirms that she was born on June 21, 2015. The events of the book take place during September and October 2025, as she is 10 during her story. Additionally, her older sister Holly is a year and a half older, being born on December 21, 2013.
This makes Summer the second American Girl doll, after Lila, to be born after American Girl Doll News started operating nearly eleven years ago!
I feel so old XD
the perfect day for her! her older sister being born in 2013 makes me feel so old though!! :o
this makes a lot more sense lol I was wondering WHY release two in a row with the same birth year
She's born in the same year as Gwynn Tan😱
When they wrote Summer’s birth year to be 2014 that must have been a typo of some sort. I’m going to go with 2015 as the year she was born. She is exactly a decade younger than Grace. Most American Girl characters are ten-years-old which is the roughly the same age I was when I started liking American Girl.