American Girl is currently doing a survey for select customers concerning a paid tier for AG Rewards.
This tier would cost $50 a year and include free shipping with every purchase, double points and other perks.
If AG did this, would you pay the $50 a year? For me, it depends on what the extra perks are. If they restricted access to the AG Rewards events like the GOTY reveal to only the paid tier members, I would pay, but if the perks weren't anything big, I would not.
I think it's really annoying that AG keeps increasing the amount you have to spend to get free shipping. I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of it altogether. But that's a side note. For $50 free shipping alone wouldn't entice me, and I don't think double points would either. If they offered exclusive items, then I would pay.
Absolutely not. Not even for double the points. Remember, there's a max amount of rewards you can get each year. So if you double the points and then hit that max amount in like July or something, you won't get any more rewards certificates for the rest of the year.
Free shipping and double points on everything would be worth it for me since I don't live near store! I would definitely do this, especially since $50 isn't that much in the long run. This is really interesting.
If they restricted early access on anything to only paid members that would be dirty of them to do to all their loyal berry members 😡 Technically I've been a berry since before berry was a thing. I've spent hundreds per year, without fail, since Christmas 1994! Free shipping on every order wouldn't benefit me as I make 2 to 3 large orders each year rather than many small ones spread out. And as for double points, well I typically place my large orders when something extra is offered anyways. As it is now, triple or even quadruple points are sometimes given at no extra cost. This is a NO for me! They'll have to come up with some bette…
@admin What is the best selling Ag doll of all time?