Have you been eyeing a Truly Me lately? Do you really want a Street Chic doll or a regular doll with colored hair or a boy doll or just a regular Truly Me like a 82 or a 58? Well, American Girl has been having great sales lately, and this weekend's sale is something awesome: a sale on DOLLS.
All Truly Me dolls are only $100 this weekend! That's right- a $10 discount! If you have been really wanting a Truly Me, now's your chance to buy them!

This sale ends on Sunday, so buy your dolls as soon as you can to take advantage of the discount!
P.S: I honestly think they're having this sale to make room for a new Truly Me meet outfit to debut later this year. The last one debuted in Summer 2020, which doesn't seem that long ago because the pandemic messed with everyone's sense of time, but TM meet outfits have been releasing in a pattern since 2010:
Real Me Outfit (2010-2012)
Two years later- True Spirit Outfit (2012-2015)
Three years later- Lilac Dress (2015-2017)
Two years later- Truly Me Outfit (2017-2020)
Three years later- Sparkle and Shine Outfit (2020-present)
Two years later- ? (maybe releasing 2022?)
ooh nice! :D