WHAT? Gabriela and Tenney? Bet you guys didn't expect to see those names on AGDN as 'news' in 2021!
Even after almost three years of retirement, Gabriela and Tenney still had some Costco bundle stock left over. American Girl decided to make these bundles available online for $115, a $70 discount!

These bundles are available from now until September 19th.
Will you be purchasing these 2 bundles during the 3 days they are available?
It was so weird seeing them on the AG site after being retired so long! Not a bad weird, but weird nonetheless. I have the Tenney set, and I would definitely recommend her.
A quick note is that as of 9/26/21, the bundles are still available to purchase if you have the links, they just don't show up on the site otherwise.
wowza! i never expected to see them return, even if it's just for a short while! :o
Someone on my tumblr pointed out that these two seem, for some reason, recently produced: they have "the new fabric introduced with Joss that doesn’t wrinkle at the neck," and Gabi has the updated Sonali mold...
Even though I'm not a huge Tenney fan, I caved and got her bundle, mostly because of the outfit that's included and her guitar.
I'm guessing that with the new dolls coming to Costco they don't want competition for the new girls so Ag's trying to sell all the extra Tenneys and Gabrielas.