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I Can’t Believe I Have To Say This In 2022…

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

In light of recent events of AGIG, I felt the need to post this. I hate the fact that I even have to post these things. It’s 2022. Why are we judging people who are LGBTQ+… IN PRIDE MONTH?

If you didn’t know already, I am a lesbian. I’m gay. I like girls instead of boys. However you put it, I am part of the LGBTQ+ community. No one will ever be able to change that about me, and I’m never changing who I am.

I’m tired of going into spaces and being judged for my true self. I was relieved that school was over and that summer is here, so I could finally be free from homophobic bullying at school. But on the first full day of my summer, a group of AGIGers decided to make homophobic posts, and made me feel awful about who I am.

I’m tired of being invalidated. It’s 2022. Same sex marriage has been legal for almost seven years, and yet people still treat being LGBTQ+ like it’s something bad. But it’s not. Judging others for who they are is bad. And despite all the hate I might get, I can’t go back to a day where I have to hide a part of myself. I love myself for who I am, and while hate might hurt, that’s just a sign I have to embrace myself even more.

I was sure I’d scared away all the homophobes in the AG community already, but a few of them were in my Instagram follows, so I felt like I had to post this. Hate of any kind is not welcome on AGDN- this is a loving place for all sexualities, gender identities, races, ethnicities, religions, disabilities, ages and everything else. And I will forever work to make sure that despite what goes on in AGIG, AGDN will remain a safe place for all AG fans.

Now don’t you understand, I’m never changing who I am.

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59 commentaires

05 oct. 2022

Remember when Kira was GOTY and all those homophobic parents started complaining about it? I seriously hated that so much. People treat LGBTQ+ like it's "inappropriate" for children. Like taboo but it's not. I wish the world was more accepting of people, no matter WHO they are, what they look like, their race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, etc. People who also say bad things about pride month DURING pride month are awful. You don't have to support, but at least respect it. Sorry you had to go through that :(


DODO Studios
DODO Studios
05 sept. 2022

I'm kinda in LGBTQIA2S+ because I'm a demigirl. does that count. plus hate sucks. why can't we live in a world with peace? i mean, we're not all perfect, but come on! people can be better then this.


11 juin 2022

I’m so sorry to hear about this Sydney- as someone who is part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community I feel for you- hate is ugly in any form and it’s sad that it has transpired into our hobby of doll collecting, but the best thing we can do is be the better example and show pure love because combating hate with hate won’t make us any better- just know you are def not alone like you and me there are plenty. Love and good to you darling ❤️


Vanessa's Dolls
Vanessa's Dolls
07 juin 2022

I got a pit in my stomach when I heard about/saw those horrible posts. Its awful that people feel the need to turn something like AGIG and Pride month into a platform for their hate and bigotry (and yes, before anyone comes at me for this, those posts were hateful). On this note, Happy Pride Month! I hope that one day everyone can love who they love without worrying about being judged for it ❤️


07 juin 2022

I don't want to offend anyone, but I do want free speech. I agree it's important to be nice and respecting of everyone's views, but please don't dis people just because they don't agree with everything you say. If others respect you, you have to respect others. And I know there are a lot of young girls on here, and they don't need more exposure to this sort of disagreement. I know it's an important issue for adults, but don't drag kids into it. You have a responsibility to everyone on this blog, so please keep everything appropriate.

04 juil. 2022
En réponse à

But queer kids are dragged into this fight whether they like it or not and they need support and role models closer to their age to know it's worth to be strong. The rest of them won't hurt too if they see people stand together against hate. You're searching for problems in the wrong place and looking childish yourself. If you're a parent, go and talk to your kids instead of putting the parenting on teenage blogger's shoulders. It's not their job to do. It's her platform and for such a young person, she always uses it with grace. Stop with that "protect the kids!" by attacking another, it's ridiculous.

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