I think I prefer Cresecnt and Fettuccine over Mighty Mae, Scamper, and Flurry. These dogs are cute and I do love them but when their owners released I was a bit down about having characters with dog companions.
Lila should have gotten Nibbles the goat who was closer to her than Mighty Mae who was more closer to Lila’s brother Jack. I also prefer Summer’s animal companions over Lila’s horse Hollyhock who looked unrealistic with colored hair.
I think some people prefer Fettuccine over Crescent. I hope the American Girl marketing team discovers this and it could lead to more cat companions and non-dog companions.
Amazing! Fettuccine looks cuddly in that transparent bookbag. The dress looks much better in photographs than in online images. I can’t wait to read the review of Summer’s journal because I’m looking for a Summer-Grace connection.
There is still a chance with her upcoming novel but I’m not going to get my hopes up. It’s okay Summer’s stories are still interesting and awesome with or without a previous Girl of the Year.
That’s awesome! Summer and her cat sound adorable—do you have any pictures to share? I’d love to see them! What kind of cat does she have? level devil
her hair almost look like a strawberry/orange blonde
she's so cute! :D
I think I prefer Cresecnt and Fettuccine over Mighty Mae, Scamper, and Flurry. These dogs are cute and I do love them but when their owners released I was a bit down about having characters with dog companions.
Lila should have gotten Nibbles the goat who was closer to her than Mighty Mae who was more closer to Lila’s brother Jack. I also prefer Summer’s animal companions over Lila’s horse Hollyhock who looked unrealistic with colored hair.
I think some people prefer Fettuccine over Crescent. I hope the American Girl marketing team discovers this and it could lead to more cat companions and non-dog companions.
Amazing! Fettuccine looks cuddly in that transparent bookbag. The dress looks much better in photographs than in online images. I can’t wait to read the review of Summer’s journal because I’m looking for a Summer-Grace connection.