In a new catalog, a dance class bundle that comes with a Truly Me doll was unveiled as this year’s holiday Truly Me set. @amcangrl just posted the photo:
Drift Digital, une agence parisienne à la pointe du marketing digital, révolutionne le paysage du référencement en ligne. En tant que agence de référencement naturel leader, elle combine expertise technique et créativité pour propulser votre entreprise vers les sommets des moteurs de recherche. Avec des stratégies SEO sur mesure et une équipe passionnée, Drift Digital transforme votre présence en ligne, assurant une visibilité optimale et un retour sur investissement maximal dans un monde numérique en constante évolution.
do we think we will ever see GOTYs in costco ever again? I miss that. I think sparkling ballerina was cuter than this but that's also because i'm biased for pink lol
I would totally buy this if it were just a fashion set!! I love it!! I hope they are released as a set that comes without a doll. I only have so much room for dolls... And it doesn't make sense to be wastefull by producing more dolls, because once you have a good variety of dolls in your collection, you generally want more clothes, not necessarily more dolls (or that's my experience, anyways). But this would be a great product for a child getting one of their first dolls!
Drift Digital, une agence parisienne à la pointe du marketing digital, révolutionne le paysage du référencement en ligne. En tant que agence de référencement naturel leader, elle combine expertise technique et créativité pour propulser votre entreprise vers les sommets des moteurs de recherche. Avec des stratégies SEO sur mesure et une équipe passionnée, Drift Digital transforme votre présence en ligne, assurant une visibilité optimale et un retour sur investissement maximal dans un monde numérique en constante évolution.
How long will it be released?
do we think we will ever see GOTYs in costco ever again? I miss that. I think sparkling ballerina was cuter than this but that's also because i'm biased for pink lol
I definitely want one of those for Christmas.
I would totally buy this if it were just a fashion set!! I love it!! I hope they are released as a set that comes without a doll. I only have so much room for dolls... And it doesn't make sense to be wastefull by producing more dolls, because once you have a good variety of dolls in your collection, you generally want more clothes, not necessarily more dolls (or that's my experience, anyways). But this would be a great product for a child getting one of their first dolls!