My bad, AGDN readers. When I saw a picture of one of the new Truly Me dolls on Instagram, I falsely assumed it was a leak. But then, I saw someone else post it this morning - and the source was AG's stock images - so it IS safe to post! So here she is! Here's one of the newest American Girl Truly Me dolls!

She's really beautiful, the one thing holding me back from getting her though is her hair. It is really pretty, however no one knows how to manage Evette's hair without re-setting it completely. (Re crimping with boiling water in braids). I hope American Girl put better research in how to take care of this hair type and improved it so it doesn't get frizzy. They have tutorials on how to care for every single other hair type except Evette's. Disappointing. I am loving the grey eyes and the dark Josifina mold, however.
is it just me or are ag dolls starting to look more like mla dolls? from this pic at least. i still think she's pretty, just looks like a mla doll lol
Still Hoping for DIMPLES
She looks pretty. I really like her grey eyes. I think that is probably the Josefina mold.
she's so cute! i love how long her hair is! :D