OMG!!! I'm so glad I checked your blog tonight. I wasn't going to look at the sale items again because there wasn't anything I really wanted and I didn't think they would have added more items. I can finally have Molly's Beforever meet outfit!!! Thanks Sydney!
Cool! Unfortunately, I've already purchased something from this sale and I can't order more then once per sale. But Those items are really cool. I especially like the locker set!
I am super excited about Molly's meet outfit as well. I absolutely love it. Her little shoes are just adorable.
OMG!!! I'm so glad I checked your blog tonight. I wasn't going to look at the sale items again because there wasn't anything I really wanted and I didn't think they would have added more items. I can finally have Molly's Beforever meet outfit!!! Thanks Sydney!
Cool! Unfortunately, I've already purchased something from this sale and I can't order more then once per sale. But Those items are really cool. I especially like the locker set!