American Girl's spring mix and match items for Truly Me dolls are appearing at American Girl stores! @AGDollAndAGirl on Instagram took pictures and kindly let me share them.
What do you think about these outfits? They're cute, but I feel like AG could have waited until March to release them. But I guess releasing before Nicki and Isabel was what AG wanted to do with them...
Why aren’t they online yet?
Yes! I have points coming to me in February!!!!😀
I don't find them very exciting compared to other releases, but I'm sure they will be popular with kids, and that's what matters. The pink see-through skirt and pink sweater shown on the brown-haired doll in the second picture pique my interest a little, although perhaps not together. I'd like to see more pictures before I decide.
I think these are so cute!!! 🤩 they look so fun to mix and match. Plus they are super girlie, which I love!! And without being all pink lol!
but, on what day will this collection be released in Chicago?