The Sapphire Splendor holiday doll is now available to the general public.

This peacock inspired doll was designed by longtime American Girl designer Annie Nguyen, According to AG's site, "[Annie] draws her creative inspiration from nature, fashion, travel, and even her family. “When you pay attention to the world around you,” she says, “inspiration can come from the most unexpected places.”"

Its just me but in 2013
I bought her as a berry member the day she released. (I didn't buy last years sadly :( so i wanted to make sure i didn't miss out this year) I just got her in the mail a few days ago. She is soooo beyond gorgeous!!! I think the designer did an absolutely amazing job! I love the Nanea mold it's one of my favorites. I love the color scheme and the peacock theme. And her purple eyes are so beautiful. And my birthstone is sapphire. So I knew I had to have her :)
She's really cute! Are you going to get her Sydney?
The doll is very pretty. But it looks like less crystals for more money, and the same outfit as the winter princess.