Every Truly Me doll is on sale for $98 from now until Satuday! My theory is that this summer, the Truly Me dolls are getting a new meet outfit because it's been 2 years since we got one, and usually every 2-3 years we get one.
Either way, you can order Truly Me dolls for $98 today!
Both TM 55 and 31 are sold out as of 9:20am PST 4/28. I bought 55 earlier in the month because she was low in stock. I was hoping to snag a new 31 as mine was thrifted and her hair, well, I restored it but it's completely straight now. :(
Sale showed up this morning, Thursday.
Anyone else thinks that there will be more new Just Like You/Truly Me dolls?
How do you see the lower prices? They’re not showing up for me.
That would be nice! (if they got a new meet outfit)