(sorry about my editing, but it's a light brown bob with a purple ombre)
Name: Cassie Carter
Age: 13/14 (sorry not sure yet)
Family: Mom: Jaye Carter, older sister, Ava Carter.
Hometown/City: ooh maybe like Rochester NY or like...Seattle (ugh but Z)
Dream Job: Journalist <3
Pet: Guinea Pig named Pig.
Closest Friend: Jules Lopez

Other friends: Jake Skyler, Mayla Adleridge, and Jamie Winston.
Plot: BOOK 1: Cassie has been going to her family's lakehouse for years with her family friends (Closest Friend, Other Friends) But after missing two years, she's nervous to go back. She doesn't see these friends at any other time during the year. Her friends are all super close and she feels upset. But after a BAD storm hits she has to bunker down. When the bridge connects the island to the mainland, she raises money with her friends to pay for construction.
Plot: BOOK 2: When her summer-only friend Jules moves to Cassie's neighborhood, Cassie has to balance her school life and social life. Cassie's teacher (Ms. K) has put her on the science competition team, and Jules and Cassie have joined the school's newspaper team but when Cassie has to write about an embarrassing incident about her friend, she is torn.
Clothes: book one outfit: teal tank top/T-shirt, jean short overalls, purple hightops.
book 2: t-shirt with Nellie Bly on it (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellie_Blyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellie_Bly), and blue jeans, red flannel, cute sparkly purple docs!!!!

Tell me ur thoughts in the comments <3.
It's nice to come back to your blog after a long time. Well, I've been waiting so long for this article. I need this article to finish my college assignment, which is about the same subject as yours
I like Cassie Carter because she is a well-written and relatable character who goes through a compelling character arc, making her story captivating and enjoyable to experience.
I love Cassie's eyes. Dolls like Cecile, Caroline and Marie Grace have the most preetiest eyes. Jess molds with blue eye are adorable.
I really really love her hair, and I usually don't like colored hair dolls. It would be so cool AG made a wig like that. Her story also sounds really cool! The first book kind of sounds like the book We Were Liars, one of my favorite books. The color scheme is so pretty!
This is really good! I feel like we don’t really have tomboyish(just assuming shes a tomboy) characters in the Goty lines. Bc not all girls are super girly girls, I also think it’d be really cool to have a Goty with short hair I don’t think we have one do we? 🤔 I like her story, it reminds me of Samantha‘s 5th book where she stays and her grandmary’s cabin/lake house whatever thing each year! i also love the jess mold with that combination of freckles and blue eyes! I wonder how she’d look with the dark blue eyes? 😊
Ooh! this sounds so cool! I would love to see this GOTY!