ok so Cherry has been attending St. Effie’s Princess Academy and she’s loved her stay there! Recently she had Been studying abroad! And she just returned back and she has some lovely photos to share! Let’s take a looksee

Cherry: I’m back!!! And better than ever!~ as you can see I’m wearing my beautiful new crown that I’ve earned at St. Effie’s Princess Academy
and now I’m officially a PRINCESS!! Yayy I have also brought back the loveliest souvenir of the Eiffel Tower! It’s a beautiful necklace and I also brought two others for my friends! I’ve enjoyed learning about French Fashion specifically of the renaissance! unfortunately i wasn’t able to work on my embroidery! but I’m still so happy for my lovely Princess academy experience!
Thank you so much @effiemeandmydolls captainjoeandlauren for gifting me the beautiful dress for cherry!! It’s so gorgeous I was soooo surprised when i saw it!! I AUDIBLY GASPED!!! and I don’t do that often!! It’s so well made!! I hope to be able to sew so wonderfully like that one day! Also I super love the picture of felicity On the card! Her illustrations are some of my favorites :D
i plan to make a another post of Princess Cherry soon But I just wanted to post this first
I’m so disappointed I didn’t post this earlier but at least I did now! (also pls ignore all the cars and yucky fence in the background!!)

ok bye
We had so much fun putting together your surprise. We don't have contact info for the other girls who signed up, but we were planning on making sets for them too. (Please don't post your contact info - there are too many creepy spams that are happening).
Happy Spring! Only one week til Easter! Yay!