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What's More Diverse- American Girl Or America?

Disclaimer: I am using the US 2010 Census, so the America part doesn't count any people born on or after January 1, 2010. Also, I chose to include retired dolls. Also, I put all of the medium-skinned Truly Me dolls as Biracial because that's what I chose to make all of my medium-skinned Truly Me dolls, but someone else might think differently.

During breakfast, I thought. "Is America more diverse than American Girl dolls or vice-versa?"After breakfast, I decided to see for myself. Let's start!

There are 100 dolls (counting Melody) because 15 Historical Characters+ 7 Best Friends + 64 Truly Mes + 14 GOTYs= 100.

Here's American Girl's diversity numbers:

White: 10 Historical Characters, 5 Best Friends, 40 Truly Mes, 10 Girls of the Year= 65/100 dolls are white!

African-American: 3 Historical Characters, 0 Best Friends. 8 Truly Mes, 0 Girls Of The Year= 11/100 dolls are African-American!

American Indian/Native Alaskan: 1 Historical Character, 0 Best Friends, 0 Truly Mes, 0 Girls of the Year= 1/100 dolls are American Indian/Native Alaskan!

Asian-American: 0 Historical Characters, 1 Best Friend, 5 Truly Mes, 0 Girls Of The Year= 6/100 dolls are Asian-American!

Hispanic/Latino: 1 Historical Character, 0 Best Friends, 0 Truly Mes, 1 Girl of the Year 2/100 dolls are Hispanic/Latino!

Biracial: 0 Historical Characters, 1 Best Friend, 10 Truly Mes, 3 Girls of the Year= 14/100 dolls are Biracial!

So, like I predicted, more than half of the American Girl dolls are white. Now, let's compare them with America's stats!

The winner is- AMERICA! American Girl needs to step it up with their diversity- especially those African-American and Hispanic dolls.

COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: When the Sydney's Special Dolls drawings are revealed later today, should I do a post like this?

P,S: I'm seeing Finding Dory today! I'm so excited, I've been waiting a long time for this. After Finding Dory, I'll reveal the dolls!

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