Two mock covers for the Girl of the Year 2017 books are up on Amazon.

While the plot for this book and the next book is unknown, the doll is rumored to be of color.

American Girl has been really sneaky about the Girl of the Year 2017 leaking this year. If it's my fault, I am so sorry. But, the drastic measure that I planned to set out on doing in return for my American Girl Stop Motion movie Different hitting 1000 views before my diaversary on Friday cannot be stopped by American Girl, Scholastic, Mattel, or any other company or individual, unless it's my mom, dad, sister or dog! You will have to scroll down to see what it is.
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Chrissa was the first Girl of the Year to have a movie.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: Have you read a GOTY book? If so, which one's your favorite?
MY ANSWER: Yes! The Grace series is my favorite.