I found this outfit on huaclub_1984's eBay account. I thought it was for a new doll, but then HurricaneDash/theagdollbunch saved my life when she reminded me that Kit's initals were MMK.

Squee! Finally it's something Kit would wear! Squee!

This is a closeup of the monogram
Here's the back:

I love this outfit!
And, shoutouts are going to disqus_zQWKAhuY1X, Kailey, Madee, AGDancer, AGMusic and aglover3 for watching Girl Meets World tonight!
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Ivy is the only Historical doll not to get pajamas.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: How hyped up are you for the new release! MY ANSWER: I can't wait!