Today, I got Melody's Bedroom Accessories from the American Girl store. And let me just say this, all of the pieces were eh. Except for one.
The radio.
But the problem is, since I live in a small-ish town, there's not that many stations to choose. I only get a couple from the city. These are the list of channels I get on Melody's radio:
A boring talk station (three times!)
A pop station (YAY!)
A opera station (UGH!)
A EDM station (in bad quality, ugh!)
Kiss 95.1 (YASS!)
A rock station (twice, not my taste)
A station in so bad quality that I couldn't tell the genre
A Christian station
Another bad quality station
A oldies station
A station in commercial
Another rock station
A football station
A station in Spanish
Another country station
YAY! A pop station!
There's only 16 stations, and only a couple are good! So, here's the way to get more stations on Melody's radio (or any radio, for that matter)
Here's the one easy trick to get more stations: PUT THE RADIO ON TOP OF SOMETHING! I put it on top of a sideways tissue box. Here's the list of stations I got after I did this trick:
A opera station
A pop station
A opera station (AGAIN)
A country station
Another pop station
A rock station
Kiss 95.1
Another pop station
A station in commercial
Another pop station
A sports station
Another rock station
Another opera station
A rap station
A R&B station
A oldies station
Another country station
Another oldies station
A Spanish station
A talk station
Another pop station
This simple trick got me 5 extra stations!
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: The winner of Best Accessory from American Girl (according to us) is Melody's radio!
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: What type of music do you like best?