In American Girl's newest catalog, I noticed a unfamiliar doll. She was in the display with the Trundle Bed And Bedding with one of the Dolls Without Hair. Could this just be the lighting, or is this Truly Me #67?
The doll is so pretty! She looks like a custom doll. If she is a future doll, than I will get her.
Here's a comparison between this new doll and Just Like You #65 to see if she is a unique doll.
The dolls have the same hair part, but it looks like #67's hair is brown instead of red. Yep, different doll.
AMERICAN GIRL TRIVIA: Melody's the only doll to have her books released before the doll so far.
COMMENT DISCUSSION QUESTION: Have you watched Mermaid Cove by Basilmentos or/and Wildwood by Rockstar13studios yet? If so, what did you think!
MY ANSWER: I watched Mermaid Cove and loved it! Wildwood has a couple more hours until it's released at the time of this post, but I'm watching it tomorrow morning. I'll let you guys know what I thought!